Putting the Spotlight on SHINee!

It was a tie between SHINee and U-KISS in the poll, at 36%, but since SHINee had been included in the poll for a longer time, I decided that it was their time. Oh and SHINee is my absolute favorite group in the kpop universe. I will try, and fail, to not be biased.  Continue reading

Putting the Spotlight on VIXX!

The purpose of the spotlights is to highlight a group, to introduce them in a way that could help a newcomer know whether or not this group is something they want to check out. At least that’s what I had in mind when I thought of it. What group is featured is decided by a poll included in the former spotlight, so this is all up to you!

This time around we’re highlighting VIXX, a group that have really solidified their position in the kpop loop.  Continue reading

Putting the Spotlight on BTS!

Quite some time ago now I allowed you guys to vote on whether or not you would want me to write something like the now scrapped battles, but where the results would be decided by your votes. And while the result was positive, that poll didn’t get nearly enough traffic for me to feel secure in that people would actually vote. So I decided to scrap that idea, and move forward with another idea that I’ve had for quite some time: the Spotlights! I wanted a way for you guys to be able to influence what gets written about on this blog, and this will be such a way. Continue reading