Opinionated Profile of SF9


I jumped into learning SF9 as soon as I finished with ATEEZ, and to be honest, at the beginning I just kept wanting to watch ATEEZ instead. But, as I looked into SF9 more and put more time into it, I realized that they are funny, talented, and frankly, a great group to look into. So, now it is time to rank!

All profile information is from KProfiles, as usual!

9. Jaeyoon


Birth name: Lee Jae Yoon

Stage name: Jaeyoon

Birthday: August 9, 1994

Official height: 182 cm

Position: Lead Vocalist, Dancer

Comment: I’m fine with Jaeyoon. When I first saw him I thought he looked like Kwanghee, in that I thought he looked quite plastic… Of course, people can get as much plastic surgery as they’d like, but it just isn’t my personal favorite look. I also wasn’t connecting with him on a more personal level.

The more I’ve seen of him the more he’s grown on me though. Yes, he is still last on my list, but at this point I do think he is quite handsome, and he seems like a nice guy. He isn’t one of the standout singers in the group, but he’s reliable.

8. Inseong


Birth name: Kim In Seong

Stage name: Inseong

Birthday: July 12, 1993

Official height: 184 cm

Position: Main Vocalist, Dancer

Comment: Inseong always reminds me of Super Junior’s Ryeowook, for some reason. Let me know if you see that too, so I know I am not crazy.

Inseong is a good singer, and while he isn’t my favorite tone-wise, I would still have to acknowledge him and call him the best singer in the group. I don’t feel like I’ve really seen all that he can do though.

I haven’t seen anything personality-wise from Inseong that I dislike, at all, but I haven’t formed a strong connection to him either.

7. Hwiyoung


Birth name: Kim Young Kyun

Stage name: Hwiyoung

Birthday: May 11, 1999

Official height: 180 cm

Position: Rapper, Supporting Vocalist, Dancer

Comment: I never noticed Hwiyoung in their early releases, but then when they dropped “Now or Never” and he had grown his hair out… Wow! The kid looked good. Honest to good, I wanted to put him higher just because of how good he looked in that video, but I stopped myself. (It’s so cute that he only has a double-eyelid on one of his eyes btw.)

I do not think Hwiyoung is a very good rapper. I do enjoy his tone of voice in some songs, but on the whole I’d have to call him the weakest rapper in the group.

I didn’t see a strong personality from him initially, but when he’s given some space he is really quite funny!

6. Dawon


Birth name: Lee Sang Hyuk

Stage name: Dawon

Birthday: July 24, 1995

Official height: 179 cm

Position: Lead Vocalist, Dancer

Comment: Dawon doesn’t get a whole lot of space to shine in their more recent releases (he did get a lot more at the very beginning of their career though!) and therefore I was kinda surprised by how much he stands out on variety shows and in interviews. The boy is LOUD. Most of the time I do find him really funny, but sometimes I do think he gets to be a bit much.

He’s about Jaeyoon-level when it comes to his singing. He isn’t a big standout, but he does the job more than adequately.

5. Chani


Birth name: Kang Chan Hee

Stage name: Chani

Birthday: January 17, 2000

Official height: 174 cm

Position: Vocalist, Main Dancer, Rapper, Maknae

Comment: Chani is the most prolific member right now, due to his role in Kdrama megahit Sky Castle, and he therefore gets quite a lot of space to shine in interviews and variety shows. This is a bit annoying if one is trying to get to know all the members, but I of course do not blame him for this, and I hope his popularity brings attention to the group as a whole.

Chani seems like a sweet kid. He’s well-spoken and funny, but not overly loud or crazy. He just wants to do well. He is definitely a maknae on top though, willing to sass all the older dudes.

He has quite a lot of lines, but I don’t see him as a strong singer nor rapper. I do really like his tone of voice though; it is really nice. He’s also an excellent dancer.

4. Youngbin


Birth name: Kim Young Bin

Stage name: Youngbin

Birthday: November 23, 1993

Official height: 178 cm

Position: Leader, Lead Rapper, Dancer

Comment: At first I really wasn’t interested in Youngbin, but somehow he just won me over.

I think he’s an alright rapper, capable but without blowing me away, and I would comfortably call him second-best in the group.

What really made me warm up to him was his personality. He seems like he really wants to do a good job as a leader, and when the others make fun of him for his long pep-talks my heart just breaks for him. (Of course, it’s probably all in good fun, but still!) And he said in an interview that his main goal in life is to be a good father… Just… awwww. He’s so sweet.

3. Zuho


Birth name: Baek Ju Ho

Stage name: Zuho

Birthday: July 4, 1996

Official height: 184 cm

Position: Main Rapper, Dancer

Comment: I think Zuho has such a cool look. The sharpness of his face really reminds me of Tao, and I love it!

Zuho is comfortably the best rapper in the group, with a good vibe, voice and flow. (Based on his name he is also EXO’s Suho’s more swag twin.)

I was already inclined to like Zuho based on his voice and face, and while he doesn’t seem to speak a whole lot, when he does speak, he always vibes with me. He can be both funny and profound. I also get such a rebel vibe from him, like he isn’t all that concerned with the sillier rules of idol life. I could see him having a dating scandal and being like “yeah, so what?”.

2. Rowoon


Birth name: Kim Seok Woo

Stage name: Rowoon

Birthday: August 7, 1996

Official height: 192 cm

Position: Main Vocalist, Dancer, Visual

Comment: Rowoon is such a looker. He really reminded me of Minho when I first saw him. I do not think he necessarily has the most interesting face in the group, but no one can deny that face is fire.

I love seeing a visual who contributes musically, and while I would say that Inseong is a slightly better singer, Rowoon follows closely behind and has a lovely tone of voice.

He is really funny, but also seems really sweet. In the first variety show I watched with them he had me laughing my ass off, which I do not generally do.



Birth name: Yoo Tae Yang

Stage name: Taeyang

Birthday: February 28, 1997

Official height: 181 cm

Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer

Comment: I’m really intrigued by the fact the his name is actually Taeyang. My experience with Big Bang’s Taeyang had given me the impression that that isn’t really a name, but I was clearly wrong.

Taeyang gives me Jonghyun (may he rest in peace) vibes, and I do not really know why. I think it may partly be something about his face, and partly something about how he is such a charismatic sexbomb on stage, yet such a cutie patootie off stage. While Jonghyun would never shut up though, Taeyang is much more reserved. A sweet boy.

He is an absolutely stunning dancer, and while I wouldn’t quite put him on the same tier as Inseong and Rowoon, he is also a very nice singer.

7 thoughts on “Opinionated Profile of SF9

  1. Hi. This was acually quite a fun read. (Arrived here a tad late thou XD)
    Just wanted to drop by and ask you to check out Hwiyoung on Schoolrapper 2 if you haven’t done that yet. (Yes, I’m Hwiyoung biased) but I do believe it shows his skills on a different level.
    Have a good day

  2. Aw man, I respect your opinion but ouch, you put my whole bias line at the bottom and called my fave the weakest rapper!! (Hwiyoung is seriously fire though; I love Chani but I think objectively he’s the “weakest”.)
    It’s interesting how you connected the least with the guys I connected with the most (Inseong, Dawon, Hwiyoung, Jaeyoon), but I think that only goes to show SF9 is a well rounded group that has different members for all tastes. ^^

    1. Haha I’m sorry, man! Of course, you have to remember that I’m not an expert on this group, so I can absolutely be wrong about everything 😉

  3. At first I was totally captivated by how pretty Taeyang and Rowoon are but let me tell you how Hwiyoung and Zuho ended being the bias line XD. They all have so much to love about them but some definitely need more time to get used to. Still love Rojuma and Taeyangshiii but our swaggiest nose having soft vampire and the real maknae are on top for me.
    For me its : Zuho/Hwiyoung, Rowoon, Jaeyoon, Taeyang, Chani, Dawo, Inseong, Youngbin…
    but the first 4 keeps switching among themselves lol

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