My “Ideal” Bias in Every Girl Group I’ve Ever Stanned [Video]

Remember when I figured out my bias type? Well I decided to use the results from that post to go back and re-choose my bias in every girl group I currently stan, and in every girl group I have ever stanned in the history of ever. So, here are my ideal biases!

(The (G)I-DLE section is quiet so the video wouldn’t be blocked literally everywhere, sorry about that.)

Best Underrated Kpop Songs by Female Artists in 2019


The year has ended, and once more I must spam you with a bunch of posts. This year you’re getting a total of eight posts, all listing my favorite songs of the year. Following the format of last year, I have divided the songs into:

  • underrated (less than 1 million views)
  • kinda popular (1-5 million views)
  • popular (5-20 million views)
  • really popular (20+ million views)

And I also, of course, divided them by gender, as that’s what we do. I will be presenting my fifteen favorite songs for each category and gender, starting today with the underrated songs by female artists. (As well as one bonus underrated song by a co-ed group.)

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Best Years for Girl Groups – Part 2/3

Here I will go through 11 girl groups and tell you which year I think they were at their best, and why. This is entirely subjective, and based on how much I liked their music for each year, and has nothing to do with their views or sales etc. No groups that debuted later than 2017 will be included in any of these posts, since I wanted a few years to choose from. Also, I will include disbanded groups, because they were great and I miss them.

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15 Best Underrated Kpop Songs by Female and Co-ed Artists in 2018

Okay, here we go! We have 8 posts coming about the best songs of 2018, and this first post lists the 15 best (in my opinion, chill) songs by female and co-ed artists that have less than 1 million views on youtube (as of early January). I have decided to write separate lists to better highlight that there are great kpop songs at all levels of views, not just at the top (but there are great super popular songs too!). After the underrated songs we will tackle kinda popular songs, popular songs and very popular songs, from both female and male artists.

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